Refer A Friend
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Get A FREE Portrait!

Q/A On Ordering

Once you purchase a sketched portrait from me, I'll give you a free one for every two buying customer's you send to me. They must purchase and make me aware of who referred them to me. "I do keep accurate records of all customers and what they purchased". This offer stands for all clients.   After the two people you referred to me has payed for their portrait, I will contact you via email, US mail, or by telephone to inform you that your referral's has paid for their portrait and it's now time for you to recieve your FREE portrait!
Shipping and Handling : for your free portrait will be $5.00
This must be handeled by US. mail ONLY. I'm not set up on paypal for shipping cost only.

All you pay for is shipping!


Print out this refer a friend business card and pass them out to friend's and family members. Card Stock works very nice for this. *Don't* forget to put your name in the Referred By area in the lower left hand corner of the business card and have them present the card to me or just advise me of who it was that reffered them! Good Luck and thank you for helping me build my business. It's been a pleasure serving you!

Do you have any questions? Send an e-mail to:
Or Contact Debbie At:
(918) 485-9313
 If you would like me to telephone you to save you the long distance call just email me your name and number and reason for the call and I'll get back with you A.S.A.P

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